The Open Quantum Institute launches its pilot phase at CERN |
Science Business |
开放量子研究所在欧洲核子研究中心正式启动 | |
开放量子研究所在欧洲核子研究中心正式启动 |
Sina |
开放量子研究所在欧洲核子研究中心正式启动 |
From Geek |
开放量子研究所在欧洲核子研究中心正式启动 |
Do News |
Open Quantum Institute Launches Its Pilot Phase At CERN |
Mirage News |
CERN-Backed Quantum Initiative Aims to Tackle Global Challenges Through Advance… |
HPC Wire |
The Open Quantum Institute Launches Its Pilot Phase At CERN |
The Quantum Insider |
The three-year pilot will build on the efforts to date to help unleash the full… |
eeNews |
Perseguire il sogno quantistico: come i principali laboratori scientifici stann… |
News Vgza |
CERN QTI: harnessing big science to accelerate quantum innovation |
PhysicsWorld |
CERN Hosts 7th International Conference on Quantum Techniques in Machine Learni… |
HPC Wire |
CERN Shapes Future Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning |
Mirage News |
CERN’s QTI Expands with Societal Focus via New Open Quantum Institute |
HPC Wire |
Bringing quantum computing to society |
Mirage News |
CERN: Bringing quantum computing to society |
Science Business |
New Program, Open Quantum Institute, Makes Quantum Computing Accessible |
Fagen Wasanni Technologies |
GESDA Foundation announced the launch of an Open Quantum Institute (OQI) |
Innovator's guide |
Global initiatives in quantum computing: The role of international collaboration |
ORF -- Observer Research Foundation |
IBM Quantum to Establish Its First Quantum Data Center in Europe |
Hosting Journalist |
Physicists Pushing Boundaries Of Physics Using Quantum Computers |
Forbes |
Preparing for a quantum (computing) leap |
Investigating the Prospects of Quantum Computing in Particle Physics |
TechCodex |
Nuova svolta per i computer quantistici |
Snewsonline |
IBM annuncia una nuova svolta nel Quantum Computing |
01net. |
Computer quantistico: IBM condivide le ultime soprendenti scoperte |
BitMat |
IBM quantum computer set to top classical supercomputing |
electronic specifier |
Quantum powers past traditional supercomputing |
IT-Online |
Los ordenadores cuánticos pueden producir resultados precisos a más de 100 qubi… |
DCS: DataCenterMarket |
Impressions from IBM’s “Think on Tour” in Frankfurt: all about hybrid cloud and… |
sitsi |
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Sup… |
Irish Tech Times |
CellIT |
IBMの量子コンピュータが古典スーパーコンピュータを凌駕することを実証 IBM「実用化の新しい時代に入った」 |
IBM is building the first European Quantum Data Center in Germany |
Tek Deeps |
Η IBM θα κατασκευάσει το πρώτο ευρωπαϊκό Quantum Data Center για την εξυπηρέτησ… | |
El ordenador cuántico de IBM demuestra el siguiente paso para ir más allá de la… |
La Ecuacion Digital |
IBMの量子コンピューターが古典スーパーコンピューターを超える次のステップを実証 |
PRTimes |
IBM: κατασκευάζει στη Γερμανία το πρώτο ευρωπαϊκό Quantum Data Center |
DigitalLife |
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Sup… |
HPCwire |
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Sup… |
VietReader |
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Sup… |
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Sup… |
Businessupturn |
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Sup… |
Jotup |
IBM builds Europe’s first quantum computing center |
Daily news |
IBM kündigt sein erstes Quantenrechenzentrum in Europa an, das zweite weltweit … |
Germanic Nachrichten |
Le premier centre de données quantiques européen ouvrira en Allemagne |
Euractiv |
IBM bouwt groot kwantum-onderzoekscentrum in Europa |
AG Connect |
IBM costruirà il suo primo data center quantistico in Europa |
Tecnologia Periodicodaily |
IBM unveils plans to build first European quantum data center in Germany |
Inside Quantum Technology News |
How CERN’s quantum science and technology workshop is cultivating future quantu… |
Innovation News Network |
CERN marks second World Quantum Day |
Mirage News |
Quantum News Briefs February 23 |
Inside Quantum Technology News |
Quantum Deep: Delving into Quantum Tech at CERN’s QT4HEP Conference |
HPC Wire |
CERN joins with leaders from research and industry to propose an Open Quantum I… |
News Central Site |
CERN joins with leaders from research and industry to propose Open Quantum Inst… |
Mirage News |
CERN joins with leaders from research and industry to propose an Open Quantum I… |
Roxxcloud |
Vers la création à Genève d’un centre mondial pour la démocratisation de l'info… |
ICT Journal |
CERN welcomes INFN and IIT as new members of its IBM Quantum Network hub |
Science Business |
CERN welcomes INFN and IIT as new members of its IBM Quantum Network hub |
Mirage News |
CERN Welcomes INFN and IIT as New Members of Its IBM Quantum Network Hub |
HPC Wire |
传感器已经“内卷”到量子领域了吗? |
114ic |
CERN to organise a scientific symposium on quantum science and technology in ce… | |
El CERN organizará un simposio científico sobre ciencia y tecnología cuánticas … | |
Atos подтверждает роль мирового лидера в области технологий квантовой гибридиза… |
Atos se consolida como líder mundial en hibridación cuántica en su 8º Consejo A… |
telecomkh |
Atos consolida posiciones en el campo de hibridación cuántica |
datacentermarket |
Atos se consolida como líder mundial en hibridación cuántica |
Factoria Del Futuro |
Atos se consolida como líder mundial en hibridación cuántica en su 8º Consejo A… |
economiadehoy |
Atos Confirms Role As Global Leader In Quantum Hybridization Technologies At It… |
Silicon Village |
Atos s’affirme comme leader mondial de l’hybridation quantique à l’occasion du … |
combourse |
Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridization technologies at it… |
GlobeNewswire |
Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridization technologies at it… |
Atos Confirms Role in Quantum Hybridization Technologies at Its 8th Quantum Adv… |
HPC Wire |
Atos s’affirme comme leader mondial de l’hybridation quantique à l’occasion du … |
Atos |
Atos poursuit sa lancée dans l’hybridation quantique |
Alliancy |
Atos s’affirme comme leader mondial de l’hybridation quantique à l’occasion du … |
ITespresso |
Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridization technologies at it… |
DernieresActus |
Atos s’affirme comme leader mondial de l’hybridation quantique à l’occasion du … |
Silicon |
Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridization technologies at it… | |
Atos International: Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridizatio… |
FinanzNachrichten |
Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridization technologies at it… |
wallstreet:online |
Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridization technologies at it… | |
Atos confirms role as global leader in quantum hybridization technologies at it… |
欧洲发布量子技术和战略路线图 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
CERN Quantentechnologie-Initiative stellt Roadmap vor |
Kooperation International |
欧核中心发布首份“量子技术倡议” |
欧核中心发布首份“量子技术倡议” | |
欧核中心发布首份“量子技术倡议” | |
欧核中心发布首份“量子技术倡议” | |
Появилась дорожная карта, определяющая роль ЦЕРН в «квантовой революции» |
Rossa Primavera |
CERN QTI公布首个定义其中长期量子研究的计划路线图 | |
欧核中心发布首份“量子技术倡议” | |
Le Cern définit son programme de recherche quantique |
Le Dauphine |
CERN Quantum Technology Initiative Outlines Goals in Strategic Roadmap For Quan… |
The Quantum Daily |
CERN QTI公布首个定义其中长期量子研究的计划路线图 |
From Geek |
CERN Quantum Technology Initiative unveils strategic roadmap shaping CERN’s rol… |
Interactions |
New strategic roadmap to shape CERN’s role in looming quantum revolution |
Science Business |
La feuille de route stratégique de l'initiative Technologie quantique définit l… |
Shan Newspaper |
CERN Quantum Technology Initiative Unveils Strategic Roadmap |
HPC Wire |
Школа стартапов RUSSOL открывает русскоязычную версию курса CERN |
bezformata |
Quantum computing, il CERN nuovo Hub di IBM: l’informatica del futuro per scopr… |
sergentelorusso |
Il Cern diventa un Hub nella Quantum Computing Network IBM |
Computerworld |
Il CERN entra nella IBM Quantum Network: i computer quantistici aiuteranno la f… |
edge9 |
IBM e CERN assieme per formare giovani quantum friendly e spiegare la dark matt… |
ZeroUno |
Il nuovo IBM Quantum Hub del CERN |
ComputerWeekly |
Il Cern è il nuovo hub per la Ibm Quantum Network |
Industria Italiana |
Cern diventa Quantum Hub, stretto legame con Ibm |
inno3 |
Il Cern di Ginevra userà i computer quantistici di Ibm per la ricerca |
Wired.IT |
Quantum computing, il Cern è il nuovo hub nell’Ibm Quantum Network |
01net |
Al CERN è nato un nuovo IBM Quantum Hub |
Puntoinformatico |
Технологии будущего: Освойте квантовый курс CERN по-русски |
bezformata |
Технологии будущего: Квантовый курс cern по-русски |
SeldonNews |
CERN Offers Free Online Course on Quantum Computing: All You Need to Know |
What's quantum computing? CERN's new free online course offers you the answer |
ZDNet |
CERN Hosting Online Introductory Lectures on Quantum Computing Beginning Nov. 6 |
HPC Wire |
CERN meets quantum technology |
Mirage News |
CERN meets quantum technology |
Digital Twin Earth, quantum computing and AI take centre stage at ESA’s Φ-week |
CERN and quantum technologies |
CERN Courier |