CERN QTI is run by a management team including the Initiative coordinator, experts for each of the research domains (computing, communication, sensing, theory and simulation), as well as experts for the organisation of academic and industrial collaborations.

The project coordinators are CERN staff members and also act as liaisons between CERN and the company collaborating in the Initiative. During the monthly review meetings, the project coordinators update the CERN management team on the progress of projects, thus ensuring timely follow-up should any issues or questions arise.

An advisory board — composed of international experts — guides the management team, assessing progress and impact.


Sofia Vallecorsa | Coordination
Michele Grossi | Quantum Computing Infrastructures and Algorithms
Michael Doser | CERN Technologies as Quantum Platform Demonstrators
Edoardo Martelli | Quantum Network Hub for Research
Benjamin Frisch | Collaboration for Impact
Amanda Diez Fernandez | Knowledge Transfer

Programme Committee members


Department at CERN

Alick Macpherson Accelerator Systems (SY)
Javier Serrano  Beams (BE)
Joachim Kopp Theoretical Physics (TH)
Sergio Calatroni Technology (TE)