As an international, open, and neutral platform, and building on its collaborative culture and proven track record of innovations, CERN is uniquely positioned to act as an “honest broker” between CERN Member States to foster innovative ideas in the field of high-energy physics and beyond.
In collaboration with the high-energy physics and quantum-technology research communities, CERN aims to assess the potential impact of quantum technologies on future programmes and to prepare skills and resources required for future generations of researchers to further investigate and better understand how to apply quantum technologies to their specific research fields, be it computational chemistry or materials science, high-energy-physics or space applications.
During the first set-up phase, CERN QTI has defined a roadmap and research programme in collaboration with its recently formed advisory board, as well as the high-energy physics and quantum-technology research communities to guide the various activities of the Initiative. Updates and revisions will be periodically produced to make sure that the roadmap remains aligned with both the needs of the HEP community and the evolution of the technologies. The following short sections describe an initial set of medium and long-term objectives and expected results.