This article mentions CERN QTI and has been published on the ESA website.

Data analysis algorithms, artificial intelligence and quantum computing support ambitious European project for environment protection and climate change adaptation of our society. 

Quantum technologies are a rapidly growing field of research and their applications have the potential to revolutionise the way we do science. In the case of Earth observation, previously intractable problems could be solved by exploiting quantum phenomena such as superposition, entanglement and tunnelling. Preparing for this paradigm change, ESA and CERN have decided to extend their long-standing collaboration to include quantum computing. This partnership implies new synergies in data mining and pattern recognition with new expertises generated.

In the same way, these CERN and ESA expertise can support the EU Destination Earth ( initiative, aimed at creating an AI-driven dynamic, digital replica of our planet which accurately replicate Earth’s behaviour. Combining actual data from space and ground, Earth system models, with artificial intelligence, Digital Twins of the Earth would provide an accurate representation of the past, present and future changes of our world. Consequently, it would help visualise, monitor and forecast natural and human activity on the planet and generate scenarios for our decision makers to meet the Green Deal European goal (